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Waiting for the End of the World

People have been predicting the end of time almost since the beginning of it. And without exception, they have all been wrong. So why would anyone believe that the world is going to end on Dec. 21, 2012?

Oretha Tarr: Born into War

"This frame should contain a photo of me from my childhood. However, there are no photographs to speak of. They were all destroyed in the war. I am beginning with empty space to honor those like myself who have no tangible evidence of their childhoods. The only images of my past are in my mind, tucked away safely where there is no violence to destroy them." — Oretha Tarr, RIC student

Closing the Gender Gap in STEM Fields: STEM Expo for Girls

Rhode Island College Impact

Workshop participants at the STEM Expo at Rhode Island College. (Photo credit: Tech Collective.)