Dr. Susan C. W. Abbotson

Sue Abbotson
  • Professor

Born and bred just outside Liverpool in the UK, Professor Abbotson ventured to American shores in 1990 and finally found Rhode Island College in 1999, 从那以后她在哪里教书. While she has created and taught a variety of courses at the college, her main field is Modern and Contemporary Drama. A leading scholar on the work of Arthur Miller, Professor Abbotson has published three books and many articles on this seminal American writer. She has been President of the Arthur Miller Society, 目前是董事会成员, 管理他们的网站和FaceBook页面. She was the first interviewee on the ongoing Arthur Miller Society Podcast, that aired Oct. 2020. 她还是the 阿瑟·米勒杂志, was one of a panel of experts to discuss Arthur Miller on Tom Ashbrook's On Point, NPR, 12 Feb., 2005, and has been invited to talk about Miller at a number of area theaters and conferences. Professor Abbotson has also published pieces on playwrights such as 田纳西·威廉姆斯, Sam Shepard, 桑顿·怀尔德, Paula Vogel, Mae West, William Inge, August Wilson, 尤金·奥尼尔, 以及伊沃·范·霍夫导演的作品. But her research interests extend beyond Drama to include Film, 儿童与青少年文学, 短篇小说, 少数民族文学, and much of Twentieth Century British and American Literature. 她甚至发表了一篇关于 超级无敌掌门狗! Her essay on This I Believe, Rhode Island. NPR, was aired on 25 July, 2012, and was about the joy she gets in watching her dog run. 她最近出版的书是 Modern American Drama: Playwriting in the 1950s (Methuen, 2019), and she was series editor for twelve individual student editions of Miller’s best known plays for Methuen for which she has solicited writers from around the world which are all coming out in 2022.


B.A. 拉夫堡大学

研究生证书. of Ed. 布里斯托尔大学

M.A. 纽约州立大学布罗克波特分校

Ph.D. 康涅狄格大学


Modern American Drama: Playwriting in the 1950s. Methuen, 2019. (也提供电子版).  ISBN: 9781472571427

Critical Companion to Arthur Miller : A Literary Reference to His Life And Work. 事实档案,2007年. ISBN: 0816061947

20世纪美国戏剧的杰作. 格林伍德出版社,2005年. (也提供电子版). ISBN: 0313332231 [Special Chinese edition published 2007]

现代戏剧专题指南. 格林伍德出版社,2003. (也提供电子版). ISBN: 0313319502

阿瑟·米勒的学生同伴. 格林伍德出版社,2000年. (也提供电子版). ISBN: 0313309493

Understanding Death of a Salesman: A Student Casebook to Issues, Sources, and Historical Documents. 和Brenda Murphy一起. 格林伍德出版社,1999. (也提供电子版). ISBN: 0313304025

也有章节已在 The Cambridge Companion to American Theatre since 1945, edited by Julia Listengarten and Stephen Di Benedetto, Cambridge UP, 2021; Arthur Miller for the 21st Century: Contemporary Views of His Plays and Ideas. Eds. Stephen Marino and David Palmer, Palgrave, 2020; Ivo van Hove:从莎士比亚到大卫·鲍伊. Eds. Susan Bennett and Sonia Massai, Bloomsbury Methuen, 2018; 《坩埚的批判方法. Ed. 罗伯特·埃文斯,塞勒姆,2018; 桑顿·怀尔德 in Collaboration: Collected Essays on His Drama and Fiction. Eds. Jackson R. 朱迪思. Hallett和Edyta K. Oczkowicz,剑桥esball官方网,2018; 现代美国戏剧中的悲剧视野. Ed. 大卫·帕尔默,梅休恩,2018; Arthur Miller's Century, Essays Celebrating the 100th Birthday of America's Great Playwright. Ed. Stephen Marino,剑桥esball官方网,2017; 文学的批判方法:道德. Ed. 罗伯特·埃文斯,塞勒姆,2017; 阿瑟·米勒文集. Ed. Susan C. W. Abbotson出版社,企鹅出版社,2016; The Truths We Uncover; The Truths We Wrestle: New Perspectives on August Wilson's Pittsburgh Cycle Plays. Ed. 桑德拉·香农,麦克法兰出版社,2016; 文本和演示:2015. Ed. 格雷利·赫伦,麦克法兰出版社,2016; Stages of Engagement: Theatre and performance 1898-1949. Ed. 乔什·波尔斯特,劳特利奇出版社,2015; A Student Handbook to the Plays of Arthur Miller: All My Sons, Death of a Salesman, The Crucible, A View from the Bridge, Broken Glass. Ed. Enoch Brater, Methuen, 2013; 当代美国剧作家. Eds. Martin Middeke, Matthew Roudané, and Peter Paul Schnierer, Bloomsbury Academic, 2014; 桑顿·怀尔德:新视角. Eds. Jackson Bryer and Lincoln Konkle, Northwestern UP, 2013; 阿瑟·米勒:《批判性见解》. Ed. Brenda Murphy, Salem Press, 2011; Commentary and Notes for The Crucible. 亚瑟·米勒. 梅休恩戏剧学生版. A&C Black, 2010; 田纳西·威廉姆斯. Ed. 布伦达·墨菲,塞勒姆出版社,2010; Arthur Miller. Ed. 哈罗德·布鲁姆,切尔西之家,2007年; 米勒与中美洲. Ed. Paula Langteau, University Press of America, 2007; 对阿瑟·米勒的批判回应. Eds. Steven R. Centola和Michelle Cirulli, Praeger出版社,2006; 阿瑟·米勒:二十世纪的传奇. Ed. M. A. Syed, Surabhi出版社,2006; 山姆·谢泼德的剑桥同伴. Ed. Matthew Roudané, Cambridge UP, 2002; and The Salesman Has a Birthday: Essays Celebrating the Fiftieth Anniversary of Arthur Miller's Death of a Salesman. Ed. Steve Marino, University Press of America, 2000.

还有条目 Twentieth-Century and Contemporary American Literature in Context, ed. Linda De Roche, ABC-CLIO, 2021; 当代文学评论在线. Ed. 劳伦斯•特鲁多盖尔/ Cengage, 2018; 劳特利奇现代主义百科全书, 劳特利奇,2016; 牛津文学研究百科全书,牛津大学,2016; Oxford Bibliographies Online: American Literature. Ed. Jackson Bryer,牛津大学,2012; 百老汇和美国文化百科全书. Ed. Thomas A. 格林菲尔德,格林伍德出版社,2010; 希斯美国文学选集. Ed. 保罗·劳特,霍顿·米夫林出版社,2006; 美剧伴侣. Eds. 杰克逊·R·布赖尔和玛丽·C. Hartig,《贝博esball官方网站》,2004; The Cambridge Guide to Children's Books in English. Ed. Victor Watson, Cambridge UP, 2001 and the Drama section for Resources for Teaching: Literature and Its Writers, 1st Ed. by Ann and Sam Charters, Boston: Bedford, 1997. (Additional entries on plays and short stories for the 2nd Ed. 贝德福德,2000).

文章和评论已经出现在 美国文学研究资源; 桑顿怀尔德协会通讯; 尤金·奥尼尔评论; 阿瑟·米勒杂志; Journal of American Drama and Theater; Laconics; Theatre Research International; Hungarian Journal of English and American Studies; The Arthur Miller Society Newsletter; Modern Drama; Papers: Explorations into Children's Literature; American Drama; South Atlantic Review; English Studies and 查尔斯·兰姆公报.


ENGL 113戏剧的方法:从页到舞台
ENGL 210 Children's Literature: Interpretation and Evaluation
ENGL 324 Literature by Women: Women Dramatists
ENGL 346 Shakespeare: The Tragedies and Romances
英语460主要作者研讨会 & 主题:威廉姆斯和米勒
ENGL 525 Topics In Genre: Modern and Contemporary Drama 
FYS 100 First Year Seminar: Shock Therapy—Drama as Protest