Dr. Moonsil L. 金

  • 副教授

I was born in Boston, but my family moved back to 韩国 when I was two years old. I was raised and educated in Seoul, 韩国, and received my B.A. in Asian History from 韩国 University (1996–2000). 2001年,我回到了美国.S. 完成了我的M.A. degree in East Asian Studies at the University of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. 我继续读博士.D. program in the Art 和考古学 Dep艺术ment at the University of Pittsburgh, but later transferred to the University of California, 圣芭芭拉分校, 继续和我的导师合作, Dr. Anthony Barbieri, who had moved to UC 圣芭芭拉分校. 在UCSB, I was able to specialize in ancient Chinese history and philology, and learn deeply and broadly about topics ranging from East Asian (Chinese, 朝鲜文, 日本历史), 中国文学, and ancient Mediterranean history to Anthropology 和考古学. 我完成了博士学位.D. 在加州大学圣巴巴拉分校历史系从事中国古代文化、材料和法律史研究. 我的毕业论文研究的是中国秦汉时期(公元前221年-公元220年)的粮食再分配制度. 本文介绍了粮食资源作为赋税或贡饷征收后,重新分配给臣民的各种渠道, 口粮, 救援, 礼物, 以及宴会——并调查了中国早期的食物再分配规定是否按照其理想目的得到了遵守.

Before joining the History Dep艺术ment at Rhode Island College, 2014-15年在美国史密森学会做博士后研究, where I was able to work with ancient Chinese vessels. Since 2015, I have been teaching 东亚历史 at RIC. 我也一直担任全球研究主任,教育和鼓励RIC的学生成为全球领导者. 甚至在大流行之前, I had developed and taught some of my classes online, 在疫情期间,我能够最大限度地利用同步和异步在线课程的好处. In 2022–23, 在我休假的时候, I was able to spend one year as a visiting scholar at the Academia Sinica in Taiwan, supported by the Center for Chinese Studies of the National Central 图书馆 of Taiwan. 在台湾待了一年, I conducted research on bronze vessels of the Qing dynasty’s imperial collection, 以及中国古代的宴会. While I spent time in libraries and museums for my research, I also had the chance to visit many histo里克 的地方s not only in Taiwan, but also other Asian countries such as 韩国, 日本, 和我的家人一起去新加坡. 我期待着在课堂上与我的学生分享我在台湾和其他国家的经验. 我也希望我的经历可以鼓励和激励学生探索这个最小国家之外的世界.



I am currently working on a book manuscript, tentatively titled Feasts of Early China through Texts, 法律, 和考古学. 我的研究兴趣包括社会, 文化, 法律, 以及古代中国和东亚的物质文化和历史,特别关注食物再分配, 饮食条件, 青铜器的使用背景, 以及东亚的医药食品. 我最近的出版物包括:

“The Capacity of Vessels: From Catalogues, Inscriptions, and Objects”, Ars胶预计在2023-2024年.

“The Great Wall of China” in World Architecture and Society, ABC-CLIO, 2021.

“Food Redistribution for the People: Welfare Food and Feast” in Rulers and Ruled in Ancient Greece, Rome, and China剑桥大学出版社,2021年.

“History of Fermented Foods in Northeast Asia” in Ethnic Fermented Foods and Alcoholic Beverages of Asia,斯普林格出版社,2016年.

“Discrepancy between 法律s and their Implementation: An Analysis of Granaries, 法规, and Rations during China's Qin and Han Periods” Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient, 59.4 (2016), 555–89.


HIST 102: Multiple Voices: Asia in the World
历史102是一门通识教育历史课程,满足esball官方网通识教育计划的历史分布要求. This course will guide you through an engaging flow of learning activities (lectures, 视频, 阅读, 作业, 集体活动, 讨论, 了解历史来源的性质和对历史esball官方网的各种看法, 宗教, 文化, 以及近代东亚在全球化进程中与世界的互动.

HIST 238:中国帝国早期
本课程旨在介绍和实践对各种来源(原文)的批判性研究, 视觉, and material) and methods for histo里克al research on early imperial China. 学生们将根据记录的来源,批判性地阅读汉代正史选集和最近出土的文献, 写作的目的, 政治形势, the author’s personal experience and perspective, 以及记录的价值. 也, 学生研究描述历史esball官方网和仪式传统的视觉图像,讨论如何理解这些历史esball官方网, 解释, and evaluated by contemporaries and how the ancient Chinese people actually lived, which is difficult to discern when engaging with only the textual records. 在线目录, 来自主要博物馆的物品信息, and various digital sources are utilized in this class to practice and learn digital history.

HIST 239: 日本ese History through Art and Literature
本课程考察了日本历史从古代到明治时期(-1912年),以日本的社会和文化发展为重点,采用各种方法, 包括考古遗迹, 视觉材料, 艺术, 和文学. In addition to using translated written documents, 文学, 还有历史文章, students will be trained to analyze and interpret 视觉 images such as drawings, 绘画, and printings as primary sources for studying 日本ese history before the Meiji Restoration. 这种跨学科的历史可视化方法将向学生介绍历史研究和教学的新领域.

HIST 345: Conflict, Globalization, and Modern East Asia
由于西方和日本帝国主义对东亚的影响,19世纪和20世纪的近代中国历史充满了内外冲突. This course examines the Modern history of East Asia (China, 韩国, 和日本)专注于政治, 社会, 以及东亚人民在现代化和全球化进程中所经历的文化斗争和战争. 学生通过鸦片战争考察东亚社会的转型和改革, 中日战争, 日俄战争, 日本入侵中国和朝鲜, 中国内战, 二战, and 朝鲜文 War from the 19th century to the 20th century. 学生们还调查了历史教科书中很少讨论的第二次世界大战期间东亚地区的战争罪行.

HIST 390:定向学习
Topics can be decided based on students’ interests after discussing with the professor. 前面的主题涵盖了各个地方, 期, esball官方网, and fields such as “朝鲜文 History and 文化”, “柬埔寨内战和种族灭绝”, 《贝博esball官方网站》, 以及《贝博esball官方网站》."

FYS 100:东亚食品与医药
学生们研究饮食文化, 饮食习惯, 和东亚(中国)的医学传统, 韩国, and 日本) from anthropological and histo里克al perspectives. Students learn about the concept of health and health foods, examining East Asian philosophical and 文化 traditions. 也, the class deals with East Asian medical practices as alternative medicine in the western world, 比如草药, 反射疗法, 和针灸.

In this interdisciplinary introduction course to global studies, students will be able to understand current global issues, analyze and integrate the information critically, and apply multiple disciplines in the investigation of a concept, 文化, 的想法, or problem related to diverse regions of the world. 本课程的重点是理解国际体系和机构的复杂性和动态性, as well as understanding the interrelationship between and among their 社会, 政治, 文化, 还有历史因素. 从这门课上, 学生将学习理解当前问题的历史背景,以及欣赏其他文化和人民.

该课程还旨在与RIC出国留学办公室和国际教育委员会合作,以满足对出国留学和/或旅游感兴趣的学生日益增长的期望和需求. 学生将仔细研究自己感兴趣的话题和领域,并以研讨会的形式与全班分享. 在这个课堂上, 学生将被介绍到各种国际教育机会和教师可以指导和建议,当他们准备他们的旅行和当他们在国外. 从国外留学归来的学生也可以从这门课中受益,因为他们可以将他们在国外的经验和知识应用到全球研究的学术话语中. 我们也欢迎国际学生参加这个课程,这样他们就可以分享他们在自己国家学到的东西和经历, and meet students who are willing to learn and appreciate their 文化.

This class is a required core course for Global Studies majors and minors, 但是,任何学科的学生都可以选修这门课,这样他们就可以具备全球领导力和国际视野,最终为他们未来的学习领域和工作场所做出贡献.







