Dr. 埃里克·克里斯琴森

  • 教授


B.A., University of Miami (Florida)
M.A., Ph.D.马里兰大学


HIST 107 Multiple Voices: The United States in the World

历史2011年.S. 1877年的历史
Students examine Native Americans and the impact of European conquest and settlement, institutionalization of slavery, struggle between empires and colonies, the American Revolution and emergence of the American Republic

历史202.S. History from 1877 to the Present
Students examine industrial and social revolutions of the early nineteenth century, 围绕奴隶制的冲突日益加剧, 内战与重建, and emergence of Modern America through immigration, 城市化, industrialization and globalization

历史203.S. 历史:1920年至今
Examines 大萧条 and New Deal, World War II and postwar society, 冷战, 种族运动, class, 性别平等, 六十年代的动荡, 现代保守主义, 而当代.

HIST 324 Crises of American Modernity, 1914-1945
Students examine how tradition and modernity clashed in music, 艺术与思想, and how Americans grappled with prohibition, 大萧条, global war and the dawn of the atomic age.

HIST 325 Superpower America 1945-1990
Students examine how the United States became an atomic superpower, faced new challenges and forced Americans to confront long-simmering conflicts, 导致社会革命.

HIST 357 Introduction to 公共历史
This course is open to everyone (not only public history students) and is highly recommended to anyone interested in thinking about or working on history outside of the classroom.

Through concurrent internship and classroom experiences, students examine the potential of public history by collectively defining and articulating visions for the field, developing field-specific skills and exploring history’s roles in society. Students may repeat this course once for credit.

HIST 350 Special Topics: American History on Film
This course explores movies as a primary source of information about twentieth century American history. The class meets once a week, to allow time for viewing films. Students also watch on their own, and the assigned readings help to contextualize the films and offer guidance to make students more comfortable analyzing non-textual primary sources (such as motion pictures).

FYS 100: First Year Seminars have included:

“Hijacking History: The Political Uses of the Past”
“Tales from the Crypt: The 北坟场工程”
“事情怎么会变成这样?? Using History to Confront the Present”
“The Battle over Critical History and CRT: History Meets the 2020s”



My interest in American cultural history has led me to explore a variety of time periods and subjects, from 19th century minstrelsy to 1980s television. 我的书 Channeling the Past: Politicizing History in Postwar America examined the relationships between 冷战, 资本主义, and the cultural forms through which Americans learned about the past. 我写了一个 history of Rhode Island College. I am currently working on a history of the first U.S. refugee law and other research projects related to American society in the 1930s-1940s.


随着 公共历史课程 协调员, I oversee the under毕业证书, 毕业证书, and BA programs in public history at RIC. The program emphasizes experiential learning through internship work at historical sites and museums around the region. The program is closely affiliated with RIC’s ongoing 北坟场工程.​

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