州长麦基, 国会议员朗之万, RIC总裁华纳宣布网络安全研究所的提议 & esball官方网的新兴技术

一大群州领导人,包括RIC主席华纳,州长. 麦基与前国会议员詹姆斯·朗格万在国际扶轮州议会大厦的州长厅聚会.

该研究所将成为学生和教师推进该领域的全国目的地, 强调网络安全专业人才队伍

从R办公室.I. 政府. 丹尼尔·麦基

普罗维登斯 丹·麦基,副州长. 萨宾娜·马托斯州长, 国会议员詹姆斯·朗格万, esball官方网(RIC)校长杰克·华纳, 州和地方领导人今天宣布了一项建立新的网络安全研究所的提案 & RIC的新兴技术. The governor will formally submit this proposal to the General Assembly as an amendment to his FY 2024 budget proposal later today.

该研究所, 由国会议员朗格万领导, 将使esball官方网在通过证书培养高技能网络安全专业人员方面处于领先地位, 本科, and master’s level courses and programming while attracting leading researchers 教育专业人士 to develop practical and policy approaches to current cybersecurity challenges.

“网络安全行业是一个快速发展的领域, 罗德岛必须走在最前列. We want to ensure that we are focused on growing critical subject matters at Rhode Island College that will create a pipeline of talent for the jobs of tomorrow,麦基州长说. “I thank 国会议员朗之万 for his willingness to lend his national expertise to lead this effort – we are honored to have him as a partner in this exciting new Institute.”

“作为esball官方网的校友, 我亲身了解到,这所学校已经为各行各业的学生提供了机会. 网络安全研究所的成立 & RIC的新兴技术将在一个不断发展的领域为新生和归国学生创造更多的机会,”他说。. 萨宾娜·马托斯州长. “在国会议员朗格万的领导和他几十年的经验下, RIC将有能力成为网络安全研究的全国领导者, 教育, 和协作. I look forward to working with our colleagues across government to make the Institute a reality and to ensure its success in the years to come.”

最近的报告表明,网络安全行业对专业人员的需求正在迅速增长. 根据网络安全风险投资公司, 2013年至2021年间,全球劳动力增长了250%, 从100万到300万.500万年. 根据Emsi Burning Glass的说法, 超过715,到2021年11月,美国需要增加000名员工. This workforce need marks a much-needed gap for institutions across the country to develop pathways for Americans to earn industry-aligned credentials, 在各个层面, 在网络安全行业内.

“数码学院将为学生提供在数码时代脱颖而出所需的知识和技能。. Students will be equipped with the tools and techniques to protect and secure sensitive information from cyber threats and attacks,国会议员詹姆斯·朗格万说. “此外, they will be trained to develop and apply machine learning and artificial intelligence technologies to solve complex problems across various industries. 满足这些重要工作需求所需的培训不能很快到位.”

在RIC商学院的支持下, 研究所将设在哪里, 如果该提案获得大会核可,将开始下列发展活动:

  • 建立2023年秋季的启动学生队列, 在2024年春季的年度研讨会上达到高潮,为研究所建立了10年的愿景.
  • Develop and publish a strategic plan to expand cybersecurity and the institute’s impact on the New England and national cybersecurity workforce. 该计划可包括:
    • 培训急救人员和退伍军人.
    • 确定和发展目标行业(如医疗保健)的培训机会, 国防, 金融, 教育专业人士.
    • 结合行业标志(微软,谷歌等).).
    • Developing and coordinating a coalition of schools and institutes of higher 教育 to develop and align curriculum with other Rhode Island institutions of higher 教育 that offer cybersecurity to ensure the region has multiple venues that make Rhode Island a destination for cybersecurity 教育 and training. Each of the schools in the coalition is a National Security Agency-designated National Center of Academic Excellence in Cyber Defense and contributes interests, 经验, 以及与网络安全系统相匹配的技能.
    • 发展和主持一个全国认可的演讲系列,邀请国家领导人, 由国会议员朗格万主持, 在本地, 而在全国范围内. 每年春天, the institute will host an on-campus symposium that will attract national leaders focused on current trends and needs of the U.S. 政府,工业和教育在网络安全领域.
    • Establishing a 网络安全 Professional Fellowship at the institute to attract top academic teaching and research talent from the cybersecurity field to Rhode Island.
    • Developing cybersecurity immersion opportunities for Rhode Island middle and high school students that develops a workforce pipeline through programming across higher 教育.
    • Providing technical assistance for Rhode Island cybersecurity professionals through the business school and RI Commerce for kickstarting new cybersecurity businesses in the state.

“网络安全问题从未像现在这样紧迫, 因为网络犯罪和攻击每天都在变得越来越普遍和复杂. 风险是巨大的, 无论是对每个人,还是对推动我们的经济和日常生活的关键部门,参议院财政委员会主席路易斯. DiPalma (D-Dist. 12,小康普顿,米德尔敦,纽波特,蒂弗顿). “网络安全研究所 & esball官方网的新兴技术 will create new pathways to opportunity for Rhode Island students while putting our state at the forefront of advancing workforce development and research in this growing field. 我想不出比朗格万议员更适合领导这个研究所的人了, 他一直是国家网络安全的领导者,也是我们努力使罗德岛更安全的不可思议的合作伙伴. 这对我们州来说是激动人心的一天,也是迈向未来的重要一步.”

“在我们的生活中,对强大网络安全的需求每天都很明显. 电子邮件和电话诈骗, identity theft and social media hacking have unfortunately become common occurrences in all of our lives and the only way to prevent these frustrating and damaging intrusions into our privacy is with top-notch cybersecurity. 为了保护我们的数字生活,同时加强我们的经济和劳动力, Rhode Island needs a 的地方 where we can educate and train the next generation of cyberwarriors and protectors and the proposed Institute for 网络安全 & RIC的新兴技术 can fill this role as our world grows even more interconnected through emerging digital technologies,众议员威廉. O ' brien (D-Dist. 54,北普罗维登斯).

“The new Institute for 网络安全 and RIC的新兴技术 is the right idea in the right 的地方 at the right time,esball官方网校长杰克·华纳说. “We are grateful to 国会议员朗之万 and our state leaders for recognizing Rhode Island College as an engine for the state’s workforce development and an anchor institution for our economic future. We will be at the forefront of developing the highly skilled tech workforce that our state needs to remain competitive in the global economy.”

“Students who earn their degrees and credentials in cybersecurity specialties at Rhode Island College will be well prepared for helping American businesses harden their 国防s and protect their data and information,Shannon Gilkey说, esball官方网高等教育专员. “负担得起的网络安全学位和培训是通往高薪的途径, 在一个受欢迎程度和需求不断增长的领域里,有上升空间的职业.”

“The Council on Postsecondary Education is thrilled that 国会议员朗之万 will be leading up Rhode Island College’s Institute on 网络安全 & 新兴技术, where a generation of students will be entering careers where the job prospects will be plentiful and the compensation lucrative,大卫·卡普里奥说, 收.esball官方网高等教育委员会主席. “该学院继续其提供学位的传统,对罗德岛人的进步有价值.”

The 政府ernor is proposing an initial three-year budget of $4 million with $2 million coming from State Fiscal Recovery Funds and $2 million from existing RIC resources.
