道格拉斯·亚历山大 – First Director of 网络安全研究所 & RIC的新兴技术


Alexander brings more than three decades of experience in a variety of information technology and teaching roles.

道格拉斯·亚历山大 has been named the first director of the 网络安全研究所 & esball官方网的新兴技术.

He brings more than three decades of experience in a variety of information technology and teaching roles. He is a certified information systems security professional and former director of community engagement and government relations at OSHEAN Inc. -互联网、云和安全服务提供商.

作为新主任, Alexander will lay the groundwork for an institute slated to become a national center of excellence in cybersecurity, 人工智能, 机器学习和其他新兴技术.

“我们的首要任务是发展劳动力,他说, “particularly in the area of cybersecurity.”

“I’m honored to work with the institute’s distinguished chair, former U.S. 国会议员吉姆·兰格文, and to join the existing leadership team to educate the next generation of talented students and working professionals who will tackle the most critical technological issues of today,他说.

“我们的首要任务是发展劳动力, particularly in the areas of cybersecurity and 人工智能. Our goal is to skill-up those professionals who are already working in IT [information technology] and to train new cybersecurity and AI workers who are entering the workforce from RIC,亚历山大说.

RIC is the first higher education institution in the state to offer a business-oriented B.网络安全理学学士学位. 还有网络安全辅修课程, RIC students are prepared to enter a cybersecurity sector with up to 全国有70万个空缺职位

To increase their skills and to increase the number of graduates from the program, the institute will purchase a cyber range that can be integrated into the curriculum. A cyber range is a collection of software for students to train, 测试和评估他们的网络安全技能和反应.

Cyber ranges have become the new model for cybersecurity education as an immersive hands-on experience.

The institute will also build a cyber command center in the School of Business. A cyber command center is a computer lab specifically designed for cybersecurity education and training and where cyberattack simulations take 的地方.

位于研究所总部附近的阿尔杰大厅, the command center will be equipped with an entire video wall, 亚历山大解释说. 会有摄像头, an AV system and tables with new computers equipped with Cloud-based cyber range software.

“网络靶场的概念类似于射击场. 在射击场,你进行军事演习. 在网络训练场,你要进行网络安全训练.”

在模拟过程中, students will be given a cyberattack scenario and will be instructed to act as a pod – a team of technology professionals who work as a single unit to deal with the attack. Even the lighting in the room will turn red to indicate an attack, creating an atmosphere of urgency.

“网络靶场的概念类似于射击场,亚历山大说. “在射击场,你进行军事演习. 在网络训练场,你要进行网络安全训练.”

最初, cyber ranges were used by military and government agencies to simulate real-world cyberattacks, 但随着网络威胁已经成为一种广泛的威胁, 它们被大学使用, 大学和企业. They have become the new model for cybersecurity education as an immersive hands-on experience.


To skill-up IT professionals who are already working in the field, the institute will open its command center to local businesses, government agencies and other organizations who can book the center and use it for their own exercises, 他说. Other higher ed institutions will be able to lease range licenses for use in their programs. Plans are also being made to offer cybersecurity trainings at community centers around the state for those looking for a career change.

关键投资是由R.I. 政府. 丹尼尔·麦基. 在州长2024年的国情咨文中, he announced a proposed cybersecurity bond on the ballot this fall to secure Rhode Island’s 的地方 as a national leader in cybersecurity education and workforce development.

“The bond will be for approximately $50 million to renovate Rhode Island College’s Whipple Hall,亚历山大说, 这里将成为研究所的新总部, 两个网络指挥中心的所在地, 一个人工智能实验室和一个安全运营中心. My goal is to ensure that the institute is a resource for anyone interested in the cybersecurity and 人工智能 industries.”

欲了解更多有关 网络安全研究所 & 新兴技术,请访问他们的网站. 你也可以在网上找到它们 LinkedIn.

有关RIC网络安全计划的更多信息,请访问 网络安全B.S. 和小 or contact Associate Professor and Chair Suzanne Mello-Stark at smellostark@tamascandle.net.

WANTED: More Than Half a Million Graduates in 网络安全
全新B.S. 网络安全学位
U.S. 政府不. 提供免学费网络安全研究生学位
With Launch of New Institute, RIC is Poised to Become Leader in 网络安全

