
Jiyeon Johnston的大头照

“她为我们所做的一切都是无与伦比的,” says RISD Museum digital initiatives director.

“我没有夸张. She’s definitely one of the most talented people I’ve ever worked with,杰里米·拉德克说, RISD博物馆数字计划主任.

Radtke is referring to 29-year-old Jiyeon Johnston (pictured above), 韩国人, 她得了B.F.A. in studio art this May, with a concentration in digital media.

For those who don’t know what digital media 设计ers do, basically they use the same tools as graphic 设计ers only they apply them to digital spaces and include in their toolkit a variety of media like audio, video, 动画和交互性, 为观众创造更动态的体验.

At RIC, the digital media curriculum at RIC is fine arts-based. That is, students use advanced digital visual tools to create artwork. 课程包括2D动画, 2D视频编辑和视频制作, 三维建模, 三维动画, 3D快速原型打印, 虚拟现实环境与互动艺术.

在这里, Jiyeon Johnston employs 三维建模 to create this piece in her exhibit titled “Symbiosis” at the Chazen Family Gallery. 作品名为《贝博esball官方网站》(2022年). 
在这篇文章中, a stream of words with no context are projected across a human head that dons a virtual reality headset. The theme of the exhibit is the relationship between humans and technology. 这件作品的标题是《贝博esball官方网站》,2024年.

A multi-tooled and multi-talented artist, Johnston’s B.F.A. 数字媒体并不是她的第一个艺术学位. She earned her associate degree in culinary, bakery and pastry arts in New York at the age of 23. Burnt out from baking and shut out of restaurants by the Covid pandemic, 2021年,26岁的她进入RIC就读.

“我一到校园, I began actively looking for a graphic 设计 internship,约翰斯顿说.

She wound up with two – a graphic 设计 internship at Del’s Lemonade, headquartered in Cranston; and a digital media internship at the RISD Museum.

At the museum, they had just launched a new website, she says. Her project was to create a clear identity for the website. Along with pointing out issues with the current website, she generated ideas for improving it and then carried them out.

Both Del and the museum ended up hiring her when her internship ended.

“She’s so talented it’s hard to let her go,” Radtke says.

Johnston was made a part-time employee at Del’s and a work-study student at the RISD Museum. RIC paid 80 percent of her work-study wages through federal work-study funds and the museum paid the rest. 

Her first project was to re-envision the museum’s lobby space. Johnston created motion graphics for the large video screen that welcomes visitors into the museum.

“I had so much fun on that project and I learned so much,她说。.

Her work is now a prominent and permanent part of the museum’s lobby 设计.

A still shot from the screen in the lobby of the RISD Museum.

“And she kept asking for more complicated work,” Radtke says. “She wanted as much experience as she could and was hungry for opportunities. One of her side jobs was assisting the museum videographer on photoshoots. 她在镜头后面待了很久.” 

首先,她做了一个 video for a PBS trailer on the Nancy Prophet exhibition, a RIC和RISD之间的合作. This show was the most comprehensive exhibit of artwork by Rhode Island-born sculptor Prophet and included 24 items from RIC’s Special Collections at Adams 图书馆.

“为了那个展览, I also got practice with public speaking because the museum asked me to sit on a panel, 解释拍摄视频的过程,约翰斯顿说. “Throughout my time at the museum, they included me in every meeting on every project. 所有这些内容都非常有意义.” 

“总的来说, working at the RISD Museum provided me with insights into the operations of an art museum,她说。. “Weekly seminars during my internship enabled me to discuss current issues in the art industry and interact with various individuals contributing to the museum. The entire experience not only helped me enhance my graphic 设计 skills but also expanded my capabilities in photography and video editing.”

毕业后, 约翰斯顿已经搬到了明尼阿波利斯, 明尼苏达州, 她丈夫的祖籍在哪里. She continues to work part time for Del’s and is completing a digital publication project for the RISD Museum. Her aspiration is to continue to work for museums in 明尼苏达州.

当然, Radtke is sure she will excel no matter what she does: “This is the first time my team has worked with a RIC student,他说. “她为我们所做的一切都是无与伦比的.” 

For more on Jiyeon Johnston’s graphic/motion 设计s, visit her website at jijohnston.设计.