Basic Baccalaureate BSN Program for Second Degree Candidates


Expand Your Ability to Improve Health-Care Outcomes

B.S.N. 第二学位课程建立在第一个学士学位的基础上,包括同源和必修的护理课程. Individualized plans of study are prepared upon application to the college. 二学位考生先被学院录取,再向护理学院申请入读B级.S.N. 程序. All students must consult with their advisor each semester before registering for courses.



The baccalaureate degree 程序 in nursing, 护理学硕士学位课程, 和esball官方网的护理实践博士课程获得了大学护理教育委员会(




第二学位候选人必须首先通过本科招生办公室向学院申请, 使用 常见的应用程序.

Once all application materials are received and processed, a Plan of Study will be formulated with the B.S.N. 项目负责人. 

(请注意:作为第二学位学生的录取并不保证被护理学院录取. 学生应联系他们的护理顾问,了解是否有资格向护理学院提出正式申请. Second degree candidates may petition to take the five beginning-level courses (NURS 220, 222年历史, 223年历史, 224年历史和NURS 225)在一个学期的空间可用的基础上,如果所有同源课程完成.)



预计参加秋季学期护理课程(NURS 220和222年历史)的学生需要在申请截止日期前提交护理课程申请表. 


预计参加春季学期护理课程(NURS 220和222年历史)的学生需要提交一份 护理课程申请表格 在申请的最后期限之前.


  1. 学生必须提交一份 护理课程申请表格 由他们的指导老师在申请截止日期前在护理学院签名.
  2. Second degree candidates must attach a copy of their signed Plan of Study.
  3. 学生必须在申请截止日期之前将完整的申请连同附带的学习计划通过电子邮件发送给他们的指导老师. 指导教师将审阅申请材料,并与学生预约讨论申请事宜. The advisor will then submit the application to the School of Nursing.
  4. 服用NURS 220, 222年历史, 223年历史, 224年历史, 和NURS 225同时进行, 第二学位学生必须 提交请愿书.
  5. 选择 撤回 their application to the nursing 程序 must submit the completed 撤回申请. The fillable form should be submitted electronically to Nursing招生

Handbook for Undergraduate Students in Nursing


每年,学生必须提供健康服务,证明PPD测试呈阴性或遵守治疗. Before beginning some clinical nursing courses, students may be expected to meet additional health requirements. All nursing students must have the following information on file in College Health Services:

  • 入学体检.
  • One dose of tetanus-diphtheria-pertussis (Tdap).
  • Two doses of live measles vaccine (preferably MMR) or a blood titer confirming immunity.
  • Two doses of mumps vaccine (preferably MMR) or a blood titer confirming immunity.
  • One dose of rubella vaccine or a blood titer confirming immunity.
  • 三剂乙肝疫苗. 建议在最终剂量后1 - 2个月进行乙型肝炎表面抗体滴度检测,以确认血清转化.
  • 供应商证明文件, 包括日期或年龄, 水痘病或水痘确认免疫滴度或两剂水痘疫苗.
  • 最初进行两步PPD**结核菌素皮肤试验,每年进行PPD更新(或PPD阳性的胸部x光片和每年的结核病评估), which is completed at College Health Services).
  • 每年秋季学期接种流感疫苗.
  • 完成COVID - 19疫苗接种.

* 12月12日或之前出生的医护人员. 31, 1956, are only required to have documentation of one dose each of measles, mumps and rubella or titers confirming immunity.

**2-Step PPD -两个单独的PPD在进入护理临床前至少间隔一周但不超过一年.


学生如未符合健康要求,不得参加护理实习课程的第一堂课. Proof of immunization may be obtained from your physician, 高中, 以前的学院或大学, 军事记录和/或血液滴度.

护理专业的学生应遵循学校免疫接种表上的指导方针,或拨打学院健康服务电话 401-456-8055 欲知更多资料. 一旦所有需要的信息都完成, students may pick up their laminated identification cards at College Health Services.​


Upon completion of this 程序, students will be able to:

  • 作为一名专业护士和全球社会的一员,从事艺术和科学方面的继续教育,为决策提供信息.
  • 运用领导的概念, quality and safety to improve health-care outcomes in a cost-effective, 安全和关怀的组织环境.
  • 在评估和整合证据和跨专业观点方面表现出批判性思维,以改善医疗保健结果.
  • 使用病人护理技术, information systems and communication systems to facilitate safe, 高效和有效的护理实践.
  • Promote professional nursing practice that addresses policy development, 立法过程, health-care financing and reimbursement and political activism within an ethical framework.
  • 发挥专业护士的自主和协作作用,加强跨专业团队. 
  • Participate in activities that promote health, prevent illness and injury and provide population-focused interventions that provide effective, 有效和公平的卫生保健.
  • Demonstrate professional behaviors that encompass accountability, 责任, 坚持道德标准, ethical and legal conduct and the pursuit of lifelong learning.
  • 拥有知识, 技能和态度,以提供护理在各种设置不同群体的所有年龄的病人, 文化, 性别和宗教背景.


In what ways is writing important to your profession?

Writing is essential to communicating as a nurse. Professional nurses write as care givers, advocates, teachers and researchers. 护士写作提供高质量, safe care to patients and communities; to propose improvements to health-care delivery; and to promote changes in health-care policy.

哪些课程被指定为满足学科写作(WID)要求? 为什么选这些课程?

NURS 225: Writing and Research in Nursing is the foundational WID course for the nursing major. 在本课程中, students are introduced to the conventions of writing in nursing, APA formatting and the role of evidence-based nursing practice. All nursing courses that follow NURS 225 continue to develop students’ writing skills over time.

学生将在你们系的WID课程中学习和练习什么形式或类型的写作? 为什么会有这些类型?

The forms of writing taught in the nursing 程序 are clinical writing (or work的地方 writing), 学术写作和反思性写作. 通过各种类型的临床写作, 包括护理计划, 图表和出院总结, 护士描述和记录病人的护理. 临床写作也可能包括为服务团体和社区而制定的宣传材料和政策. 专业护士使用学术写作传播学科新知识,促进循证实践. 反思写作, 比如日记和非正式的回应, 作为一种学习的方式(“写作学习”),作为一种自我理解和专业成长的手段.

What kinds of teaching practices will students encounter in your department’s WID courses?

Some of the teaching practices students will encounter will be journaling, low-stakes and high-stakes writing assignments, 同行评审, 脚手架作业和修改的机会,并将反馈纳入后来的草稿.

When they’ve satisfied your department’s WID requirement, what should students know and be able to do with writing?

Upon completion of the Bachelor of Science in nursing, graduates will be able to: 

  • Effectively communicate in writing in the various professional nursing roles.
  • Accurately and precisely document professional practice in clinical settings.
  • Prepare thoughtful and effective research papers in the discipline of nursing.
  • 单独或合作准备口头和书面报告,以达到特定的目的.
  • Engage in reflective writing for personal professional development​​​​​​.
