计算机科学B.A., B.S. 和小

如果你对计算机编程和软件开发感兴趣,B.A. 和B.S. 计算机科学是为你设计的


你将完成包括面向对象设计在内的计算机科学核心, 数据结构, 编程语言, 操作系统, 算法分析与软件工程. 根据你的兴趣和职业目标, 你会选择选修课,比如人工智能, 网络安全, 计算机网络, 软件测试和数据库.


Graduates from our program are prepared for entry-level positions as software application programmers/developers, Web开发人员, 计算机支持专家, 计算机系统程序员和软件质量保证工程师. They are also prepared for graduate study in 电脑 科学 and closely related disciplines.


我们还开设了计算机科学和网络安全辅修课程. 网络威胁真实存在. 它们可能导致数据丢失, 限电措施, 军事设备故障,泄露国家安全机密. 考虑到这些危险, 熟练的网络安全工作者,其工作是保护网络, 设备, 程序和数据非常宝贵. 这个国家有超过50万个网络安全方面的工作机会. RIC’s minor in 网络安全 will give you the set of skills you need to protect 电脑s, 网络和数据. 辅修课程包括网络安全计算机基础, 计算机编程, 网络安全原则, 数字取证和网络/系统安全. 


在计算机科学的学士学位和学士学位之间选择似乎令人困惑, but it really comes down to what type of job you see for yourself after you graduate and your sincere interests in what you wish to study.  在esball官方网,这两个学位都需要同样的计算机科学课程.  在这两个方面, you take the same courses in programming and problem solving and you have the same choice of 电脑 科学 electives.  这两个学位以完全相同的方式为你的计算机科学做好准备.  But there are important differences between the degrees you should consider while making your choice. 


在理学士学位, 你被要求选修额外的数学课程, 科学, 道德, 和写作.  因为有额外的数学和科学课程, 它被认为是一个更严格的学位, and some employers are interested in knowing you have that rigor to master the math and 科学 required.  This degree has a very strict schedule, so it is harder to double major or take on a minor.  Designing and programming complex systems does require more math and 科学 knowledge.  If you wish to continue your studies in graduate school or have a career in research, 或者有一份技术性很强的工作, BSCS会让你做好更好的准备. 


文学学士学位需要较少的课程, 你可以自由地选修辅修或双修专业来追求其他兴趣.  给潜在雇主, 辅修网络安全, 数据分析, 或者会说一门外语会让你在其他候选人中脱颖而出.  也, adding more humanities/general education courses provides you with more opportunity to master communication, 创造力, 和写作––these are valuable skills for employers looking for well-rounded employees. 
选择没有对错之分.  雇主对这两个学位都非常重视.  Both degrees provide you with the necessary tech savvy to be successful in the career path you choose. It’s a matter of where you see yourself and how you wish to best position yourself for your future. 






在这里,我们提供有关课程要求的信息, 每个项目的课程描述和罗德州学术地图, 一个学期一个学期的计划,帮助你在四年内毕业.








  • 具有计算机科学的内容和方法方面的背景.
  • An understanding of and the ability to use basic programming concepts and techniques.
  • An understanding of and the ability to use basic concepts and techniques in 电脑 organization, 架构和操作系统.
  • 运用计算机科学知识解决问题的能力.
  • 能够运用解决问题的技巧进行设计, implement and test programs individually.
  • 能够运用解决问题的技巧进行设计, 作为团队成员实施和测试程序.



在计算机科学领域, it is important that students acquire the writing and communication skills necessary to:

  • 描述他们已经完成了什么,以及如何有效地评论/报告它
  • 给出构建软件产品的具体方向
  • 将技术主题翻译成外行人的术语

Which courses are designated as satisfying the WID requirement by your department? 为什么选这些课程?

The Mathematics and Computer Science Department has identified two required courses in 电脑 科学 in which there is an emphasis on various forms of writing within our discipline: CSCI 212 and CSCI 401.

CSCI 212: Data Structures is the final course in the introductory sequence and may be viewed as the first upper-level course in the major. 第一次, students go beyond writing a program that works to reflecting on what makes one working solution better than another. 他们还学习实现和使用数据结构, key building blocks that programmers have found useful in many different programs, 用多种语言书写, 多年来. 

CSCI 401: Software Engineering functions as a programming capstone for the 电脑 科学 major. 学生 spend considerable time planning their program: writing 需求文档, 用文字和详细的形式图表描述他们的设计, 并详细说明实施和测试的计划. 这些文件, 加上程序本身, 是否代表了学科中所有主要的写作形式.

What forms or genres of writing will students learn and practice in your department’s WID courses? 为什么会有这些类型?

In 电脑 科学, students must learn and practice technical writing in many forms. 计算机科学家撰写技术提案或建议, 研究论文, 批准我们的建议, 口头报告, 需求文档, 宣传册, 技术报告和网页.

What kinds of teaching practices will students encounter in your department’s WID courses?

The following is a list of teaching practices found in many 电脑 科学 classes:

  • 同伴编辑——学生可以从彼此身上学到很多东西. 学生们互相分享他们的写作,并提出改进意见.
  • 头脑风暴和小组讨论. 学生 are given a template and work on requirements of each section of a document.
  • 需要修改,比如编写软件. 写作是一个反复的过程. 学生们首先一起起草草稿. The instructor then gives constructive comments and the students need to revise and upload again. 这个过程在学期中会发生几次.

当他们满足了你部门的WID要求时, 学生应该知道和能够做什么写作?

学生 will be able to write executive summary reports that effectively describe why one implementation is better than another for solving a problem. They will also be able to write 需求文档 that adequately explain how a software product will be designed, 测试和使用. 这包括但不限于:

  • 软件规格和需求.
  • 软件高层架构、设计方法和用例.
  • 求解方法和算法.
  • 源代码文档和版本跟踪.
  • 测试方法包括白盒测试和黑盒测试.
  • 用户手册(包括系统安装和配置).


Declaring a minor allows you to explore other areas of interest and make interdisciplinary connections. RIC的小领域是对所有主要研究领域的补充和加强. 通过声明未成年人, 作为一名求职者,你可以使自己与众不同, 实习和志愿者机会.
