多样性、公平词汇表 & 纳入(DEI)条款


语言很重要! Please see this inconclusive list of terms that each member of our community can integrate into their vocabulary as we all work together to foster inclusion on our campus.

  • 盟友: Someone who supports a group other than one’s own (in terms of multiple identities such as 比赛, 性别, 年龄, 种族, 性取向, 宗教, 等.). An ally acknowledges oppression and actively commits to reducing their own complicity, investing in strengthening their own knowledge and awareness of oppression.
  • 反种族主义: The 政策 or practice of opposing racism and promoting racial tolerance.
  • 无性繁殖: Generally characterized by not feeling sexual attraction or a desire for p艺术nered sexuality. Asexuality is distinct from celibacy, which is the deliberate abstention from sexual activity.
  • 偏见: A form of prejudice that results from our tendency and needs to classify individuals into categories.
  • 偏见: Obstinate devotion to one’s own opinions and prejudices and intolerance toward other diverse social groups.
  • Biphobia: fear or hatred of people who are 双性恋, pansexual, or omnisexual.
  • 双性恋: A person whose primary sexual and affectional orientation is toward people of the same and other 性别s, 或者对那些不分性别的人
  • Cis性别: 前缀cis-表示“在这边”或“不在对面”." A term used to call attention to the privilege of people who are not 变性人.
  • 色盲: The belief that everyone should be treated “equally” without respect to societal, 经济, 历史, 种族或其他差异. No differences are seen or acknowledged; everyone is the same.
  • 来自: Refers to voluntarily making public one's 性取向 and/or 性别认同.
  • 文化经费: The non-consensual/misappropriation use of cultural elements for commodification or profit purposes – including symbols, 艺术, 语言, 海关, 等. — often without understanding, acknowledgment, or respect for its value in the original culture.
  • DACA: 童年抵美者暂缓遣返. 一种免于驱逐出境的行政救济. Its purpose is to protect eligible immigrant youth who came to the United States when they were children from deportation. DACA gives young undocumented immigrants: 1) protection from deportation, and 2) a work permit. 该计划两年后到期,需要续签.
  • 使非殖民化主动的、有意的放弃价值观的过程, 信仰, 还有一些概念引起了生理上的, 情感, 或者通过殖民对人们造成精神伤害. 它需要承认压迫制度.
  • 残疾: Physical or mental impairment that affects a person’s ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities.
  • 多样性: 在社会上,它指的是广泛的身份认同. 广义上包括种族, 种族, 性别, 年龄, 国家的起源, 宗教, 残疾, 性取向, 社会经济地位, 教育, 婚姻状况, 语言, 资深地位, 外表, 等. 它还涉及不同的想法、观点和价值观.
  • 歧视: 对不同群体成员的不平等待遇, 基于有意识或无意识偏见的, 哪一个群体在种族差异上比其他群体更受青睐, 性别, 经济类, 性取向, 体能, 宗教, 语言, 年龄, 国家认同, 宗教, 以及其他类别.
  • 股票: 公平待遇, 访问, 所有人都有机会和进步, while at the same time striving to identify and eliminate barriers that have prevented the full p艺术icipation of some groups. The principle of equity acknowledges that there are 历史ly underserved and underrepresented populations and that fairness regarding these unbalanced conditions is needed to assist in the provision of adequate opportunities to all groups.
  • 同志: 同性恋对同性的性取向.
  • 性别: A social construct used to classify a person as a man, woman, or some other identity. Fundamentally different from the sex one is assigned at birth; a set of social, 心理和情感特征, 经常受到社会期望的影响
  • 性别表达: 一个人如何表达自己, 在着装方面, mannerisms and/or behaviors that society characterizes as "masculine" or "feminine."
  • 中性/性别包容性代词: A 性别 neutral or 性别 inclusive pronoun is a pronoun which does not associate a 性别 with the individual who is being discussed.
  • Gender酷儿: A person whose 性别认同 and/or 性别 expression falls outside of the dominant societal norm for their assigned sex, 是超越性别的, 或者是它们的组合.
  • 骚扰: 冒犯性:使用冒犯性的评论或行为, 令人尴尬的, 羞辱性的, 有损人格的, 和不受欢迎的.
  • 异性恋主义: 假设所有人都是或应该是异性恋. 异性恋排除了这些需求, 担忧, 以及女同性恋者的生活经历, 同性恋, 双性恋 and 酷儿 people while it gives advant年龄s to heterosexual people. It is often a subtle form of oppression, which reinforces realities of silence and invisibility.
  • 异性恋: A 性取向 in which a person feels physically and 情感ly attracted to people of a 性别 other than their own.
  • 恐同症: 对LGBTQIA+人群的非理性仇恨和恐惧. 同性恋恐惧症包括偏见, 歧视, 骚扰, 以及由恐惧和仇恨引发的暴力行为. 它发生在个人、机构和社会层面.
  • 同性恋/同性恋: An outdated term to describe a 性取向 in which a person feels physically and 情感ly attracted to people of the same 性别.
  • 内化恐同症:对自己lgbtqia身份的恐惧和自我憎恨, that occurs for many individuals who have learned negative ideas about LGBTQIA+ people throughout childhood. One form of internalized oppression is the acceptance of the myths and stereotypes applied to the oppressed group.
  • 双性: 的人, 没有医疗干预, develop primary or secondary sex characteristics that do not fit “neatly” into society's definitions of male or female. Many visibly intersex people are mutilated in infancy and early childhood by doctors to make the individual’s sex characteristics conform to society’s idea of what normal bodies should look like. 阴阳人相对来说比较常见, although society's denial of their existence has allowed very little room for intersex issues to be discussed publicly.
  • 内隐偏见: Negative associations expressed automatically that people unknowingly hold and that hat affect our understanding, 行动, and decisions; also known as unconscious or hidden bias.
  • 包含: The act of creating environments in which any individual or group can be and feel welcomed, 受人尊敬的, 作为一个充分参与的成员得到支持和重视. An inclusive and welcoming climate emb比赛s differences and offers respect in words and 行动 for all people.
  • 制度种族主义: Institutional racism refers specifically to the ways in which institutional policies and practices create different outcomes and opportunities for different groups based on racial 歧视.
  • 交集: A social construct that recognized the fluid diversity of identities that a person can hold such as 性别, 比赛, class, 宗教, 职业地位, 婚姻状况, 社会经济地位, 等.
  • “主义”: 一种描述任何态度的方式, action or institutional structure that subordinates (oppresses) a person or group because of their target group. 例如, 颜色(种族歧视), 性别(性别歧视), 经济地位(阶级歧视), 老年(年龄歧视), 宗教(e.g., anti-Semitism), 性取向 (heterosexism), 语言/immigrant status (xenophobism), 等.
  • LGBTQIA: 一个包罗万象的术语,指那些认为自己是女同性恋的人, 同性恋, 双性恋, 变性人, 酷儿, 双性和无性.
  • 女同性恋者: A woman whose primary 性取向 is toward people of the same 性别.
  • Microaggression: 口头, 非语言的, 对环境的漠视, 的怠慢, 侮辱, 或贬低, 无论是有意还是无意, 传达敌意, 贬义的, or negative mess年龄s to target persons based solely upon discriminatory belief systems.
  • 多元文化的能力: A process of embracing diversity and learning about people from other cultural backgrounds. The key element to becoming more culturally competent is respect for the ways that others live in and organize the world, 以及向他们学习的开放心态.
  • 非: A 性别认同 that emb比赛s full universe of expressions and ways of being that resonate with an individual. It may be an active resistance to binary 性别 expectations and/or an intentional creation of new unbounded ideas of self within the world.
  • 压迫: The systemic and pervasive nature of social inequality woven throughout social institutions as well as embedded within individual consciousness. 压迫融合了制度性和系统性的歧视, 个人的偏见, bigotry and social prejudice in a complex web of relationships and structures.
  • 泛性的/自由: 用来形容浪漫的人的术语, 性欲:对所有性别和性别的人的性欲或情感欲望.
  • 父权制: 优先考虑男子气概的行为和信仰. Patriarchy is practiced systemically in the ways and methods through which power is distributed in society (jobs and positions of power given to men in government, 政策, 刑事司法, 等.) while also influencing how we interact with one another interpersonally (性别 expectations, 性动力学, 空间以, 等.).
  • 有色人种: 亚洲男人和女人的统称, 非洲, Latin and Native American backgrounds; as opposed to the collective “White”.
  • 偏见: 倾向或偏好, especially one that interferes with imp艺术ial judgment and can be rooted in stereotypes that deny the right of individual members of certain groups to be recognized and treated as individuals with individual characteristics.
  • 特权: Exclusive 访问 or availability to material and immaterial resources based on the membership to a dominant social group.
  • 酷儿: An umbrella term that can refer to anyone who transgresses society’s view of 性别 or sexuality. 酷儿这个词定义的不确定性, 它的弹性, is one of its constituent characteristics: “A zone of possibilities.”
  • 种族: A social construct that 艺术ificially divides people into distinct groups based on characteristics such as 外表 (p艺术icularly color), 祖先的遗产, 文化归属, 文化历史, 种族分类, 还有社会, 经济 and political needs of a society at a given period of time
  • 安全的空间: Refers to an environment in which everyone feels comfortable in expressing themselves and p艺术icipating fully, 不怕攻击, 对经验的嘲笑或否认.
  • 性: 性别学:基于出生时生殖器外观的分类.
  • 性别歧视: Prejudice, stereotyping, or 歧视, typically against women, on the basis of sex.
  • 性: 包括生理性别在内的人的组成部分, 性取向, 性别认同, 性行为, 等.
  • 性取向: 持久的情感、浪漫或性吸引. 性取向是可变的. Asexuality is also considered a 性取向 (See above definition of asexuality)
  • 社会公平: 社会正义是一种行动主义, based on principles of equity and inclusion that encompasses a vision of society in which the distribution of resources is equitable and all members are physically and psychologically safe and secure. Social justice involves social actors who have a sense of their own 年龄ncy as well as a sense of social responsibility toward and with others and society as a whole.
  • 压迫制度: 有意识和无意识, 的非随机, 还有有组织的骚扰, 歧视, 剥削, 歧视, prejudice and other forms of unequal treatment that impact different groups.
  • 刻板印象: A form of generalization rooted in blanket 信仰 and false assumptions, a product of processes of categorization that can result in a prejudiced attitude, 不加批判的判断, 以及有意或无意的歧视. 刻板印象通常是消极的, based on little information that does not recognize individualism and personal 年龄ncy.
  • 象征主义: 没有意义参与的存在. 例如, a superficial invitation for the p艺术icipation of members of a certain socially oppressed group, who are expected to speak for the whole group without giving this person a real opportunity to speak for her/himself.
  • 变性: The fear or hatred of 变性人 people or people who do not meet society’s 性别 role expectations.
  • 变性: Used most often as an umbrella term, some commonly held definitions: 1. Someone whose 性别认同 or expression does not fit (dominant-group social constructs of) assigned birth sex and 性别. 2. 男性/女性二元之外的性别. 3. 无性别的:没有性别或多重性别的.
  • 白人至上: A power system structured and maintained by persons who classify themselves as white, whether consciously or subconsciously determined; and who feel superior to those of other racial/ethnic identities.
  • 排外情绪: 对来自其他国家的人的厌恶或偏见.