
学习生活(L4L)是以研究为基础的, multi-faceted community and college partnership that links students to a network of services, 支持和机会. This collaborative work fortifies students for college success and removes any challenges that they may encounter in keeping college a central priority in their lives.


L4L团队包括 航海家 (同侪导师)由领航员(毕业助理)提供支持, a董事及助理董事, 以及社区伙伴. This entire L4L team moves side-by-side with students to meet the challenges of becoming a college graduate. 我们追求坚韧和卓越.

“学习生活是每个大学校园都应该有的. 这是一个包罗万象的空间,学生, 教职员工可以来到这里,受到热烈欢迎. As a student who came into college afraid and not confident that I would be able to complete a college education, 学习生活 strengthened my confidence and served as a compass in what seemed like a foreign land to me."



L4L seeks RIC students who have sought out a college education in the face of adversity and who, 现在是RIC的学生, 在完成高等教育目标方面需要帮助. 我们称这些学生为L4Lesball官方网.


We will link you with a Navigator and/or have you meet with an L4L staff member. Together you will talk about your strengths and challenges to determine how we can best assist you on your course to success.  ​​​​


合作伙伴关系 & 合作

Collaborators are campus and/or community colleagues who have engaged in a mutual initiative with L4L. 合作伙伴提供必要资金, 人员, 和学生资源给L4L和我们服务的学生. 

前进我们学习 (formerly known as the College Crusade of Rhode Island) is an innovative nonprofit organization founded in 1989 to reduce high school dropout rates and increase educational and career success for low-income urban youth. 他们每年服务大约4个,200 students from Rhode Island's most economically disadvantaged families in Providence, 波塔基特, 中央瀑布, 文索基特, 和克兰斯顿. 向前我们学习结合了稳定, nurturing presence of caring adults with a rich array of programs that focus on academic enrichment, 社会与个人发展, 职业意识与探索, 为高等教育做准备. 前进我们学习 assists L4L in outreach and recruitment of Scholars as well as providing an Onward College Success Coach to serve students 4 days a week in the L4L space during the academic year.


大学的愿景 empowers low-income and first-generation college-bound students to realize the promise of higher education by providing advising and resources to promote college enrollment, 持久性, 和毕业. 大学的愿景 advances equal access to educational opportunities in historically under-served communities. 大学愿景团队成员担任社区导航员, providing one-to-one support to students at RIC who have also been part of the 大学的愿景 Success Program.


The Navigator model of student support was developed in partnership with the School of Social Work. The model includes a training curriculum that includes social work principles at its foundation. 虽然导航员代表了社会工作的其他相关领域, 大多数是社会工作专业的学生,作为领航员实习生. SSW现场办公室和实习教师主管,Dr. 詹妮弗·米德,负责实习生的选拔和后续支持.


团结中心是esball官方网的多元文化中心. Its mission is to promote the accessibility of educational services and the opportunity for excellence to all students through collaborative programming among its student affiliates, 教师, 员工和更广泛的社区. 团结中心是“终身学习”的第一个主要中心, providing an opportunity to reach out to students in one of the hearts of student activity on campus. 统一中心为L4L提供了空间和创始场所. 从2012年开始的早期合作开始, the Unity Center and L4L have worked together on multiple initiatives to: create a student resource area to bring needed campus and community services to students in a comfortable, safe drop-in space; advance the Center’s textbook lending library; and provide leadership development opportunities for students.




  • 卡索国际扶轮
  • 孩子的朋友
  • 中央瀑布帕塔基特住宅开发
  • DUNAMIS协同倡议,西埃尔姆伍德住房开发公司.
  • 希望之家
  • SNAP外展工作人员
  • 寄居的房子
  • Panera Bread 
  • NeighborWorks黑石河谷
  • 新都市艺术
  • 里克一. L. L. I. E. D.-教育多元化高级学习和领导倡议
  • 国际扶轮学生贷款管理局
  • 我们分享希望


Learning for Life is always looking for ways to improve our support for students. 请花一点时间给我们反馈.



L4L的核心是学生支持的领航员模式, peer-to-peer mentorship and linkages to resources for students through a network of trained students in partnership with the RIC社会工作学院.


导航员是硕士或高级学生, 来自不同的背景和专业, 谁的主要职责是支持我们所服务的学生, 叫做L4Lesball官方网. 每个领航员将与一个学生网络合作, building bridges upon which students can reach each other and the resources they need for success.

L4L and the School of Social Work have developed a multi-faceted training curriculum that is required for all L4L 航海家 and taught by campus staff and 教师, 以及社区合作伙伴.


导航员是来自不同背景和专业的学生. If you would be interested in an internship or job as a Navigator please contact jgarzon@tamascandle.net 了解更多信息.



  • L4L概述、操作和最近评估的结果
  • 谁是L4Lesball官方网?
  • 多元化和包容性
  • Principles of Practice: Boundaries, Use of Self, Confidentiality and Ethics
  • 性侵犯意识与预防
  • 物质使用和成瘾
  • 对LGBTQ群体的认识和支持
  • 亲密伴侣暴力
  • 心理健康和自杀预防
  • 自信的建议策略
  • 学术指导与支持
  • 基本需求资源:住房,食物,财政支持
  • 学生宣传
  • 校园之旅


The L4L Community is organized through networks of support led by Educational Support Coordinators who serve as the central point of contact for Scholars as well as the 航海家.

ESC的, 我们这样称呼他们, 协调项目目标,包括与学生的接触, 营销材料的开发, 通信, 以及合作计划.

Clinical oversight for the 航海家 is provided through a 教师 member of the School of Social Work, Dr. 詹妮弗·米德,终身学习的副主任.




We are here to connect students to on and off campus resources and opportunities to empower and overcome life obstacles on their journey to graduation.