students playing the trombone and flute

Would you Like to Teach Music?

If you are interested in teaching music at all levels of instruction, esball官方网提供最高水平的教师准备和各种各样的实地经验. 你的音乐教育课程将包括集中学习一种主要乐器, extensive participation in chamber and concert performing ensembles, coursework in musicianship and history, 公立学校课堂K-12教学方法、教学法和临床经验的研究. Upon successful completion of this program, 你将有资格获得esball官方网所有年级(Pre-K-12)的音乐教学资格.

To qualify for acceptance as a major in music education, 你必须被罗得岛学院录取(按照申请表上描述的一般录取程序) Office of Admissions website) and successfully complete an audition. You DO NOT need to be admitted to audition, 但我们建议你至少在试镜日期前完成入学申请.

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如果你正在寻找一个具有挑战性和支持性的环境来发展你的艺术才能, take a closer look at Rhode Island College.

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Program Details

Course Information

Here we provide information on course requirements, course descriptions and an Academic Rhode Map for each program, a semester-by-semester plan to help you toward graduation in four years.

Course Requirements

Course Descriptions

Academic Rhode Map

Program Learning Goals

Upon completion of this program, students will:

  • Be able to perform at a professional level, 在他们选择的专业领域成功竞争,追求更高的研究生学习.
  • 成为在公立和私立esball官方网的高素质和熟练的音乐教育家, 与自己的学生接触,并在专业协会中担任领导角色.
  • 能够通过研究和音乐奖学金鼓励智力和创造性的表达.
  • Be able to educate non-music majors in ways that enrich, 启发和鼓励他们发展自己的音乐表达和欣赏.
  • 能够为esball官方网和社区举办高质量的音乐会和其他音乐活动.
  • 能够通过研究和创造性活动鼓励和支持教师的发展.
  • Be able to cultivate arts audiences of the future.

Writing in the Discipline

Why or in what ways is writing important to your discipline/field/ profession?

The ability to write well is important for all students seeking a career in music. Performers, music educators, musicologists and composers are required to write resumes, cover letters, grant applications and program notes. Music educators must also be adept at creating lesson plans, student assessments and learning outcomes. 音乐学家和理论家将使用他们的写作技巧来制作学术研究论文, magazine articles, and books. Music administrators are required to create websites, write copy for promotional materials, create grant applications and write to benefactors in order to solicit donations. 音乐评论家需要足够的写作技巧来撰写表演评论和对音乐领域杰出人物的书面采访.

哪些课程被指定为符合(学科写作)WID要求? Why these courses?

The music area within the Department of Music, Theatre, and Dance has designated the courses listed below as satisfying the WID requirement.

MUS 205: Music History and Literature I (all music degree programs)

MUS 206: Music History and Literature II (all music degree programs)

MUS 391: Junior Recital-Music Performance Majors

MUS 492: Senior Recital-Music Education Majors

MUS 493: Senior Recital-Music Performance Majors

PFA 461: Senior Seminar (Music B.A. only)


学生将在你们系的WID课程中学习和练习什么形式或类型的写作? Why these genres?

A number of writing genres are introduced and developed in the music area WID courses.

在MUS 205:音乐史和文学I中,学生需要通过听同一段音乐的多个录音,并以文章的形式写一篇比较分析,来写对过去音乐的解释方法. 这门课程还需要一篇风格分析和两篇与音乐史相关主题的研究论文. In addition to course materials, students must consult at least three outside sources of scholarly merit.

在MUS 206:音乐史与文学II中,学生继续完善音乐领域书面话语的材料和方法, in part, by focusing on the integration of primary sources into the writing process.

另一个重要的要求是学习与音乐会经历相关的写作形式,如音乐会评论和节目说明. MUS 391: Junior Recital, MUS 492: Senior Recital-Music Education Majors, 和MUS 493:高级独奏-音乐表演专业都要求学生写新闻稿, promotional materials, a recital program and program notes.

在PFA 461:高级研讨会中,学生可以通过以下方式开展个人项目:1)完成一篇关于音乐史主题的研究论文, literature or ethnomusicology, 2)完成一篇关于音乐理论或音乐批评主题的深入分析文章, 或者3)进行讲座-朗诵,并辅以书面部分,如研究型学期论文.


There are a few modes of writing instruction in the music area WID courses. In MUS 205 and 206 students submit a topic, an outline, and a rough draft to the instructor for feedback. MUS 391, 492和493课程通常包括学生和教师之间定期的一对一会议,讨论正在进行的工作. PFA 461既包括这些教学模式,也包括向同学展示正在进行的作品以获得反馈和讨论.

When they’ve satisfied your department’s WID requirement, what should students know and be able to do with writing?

Students who have completed the WID requirement should be able to do the following:

  • Effectively market themselves to a prospective employer or funding source.
  • 以有效和连贯的方式批判性地回顾音乐表演和录音.
  • Analyze musical works from a theoretical, aesthetic, and historical perspective.
  • Write coherent and effective research papers on all topics related to music history, music theory, musical performance practice, and musical biographies.

Minors in Music, Jazz Studies and Educational Studies

选修辅修课程可以让你探索其他感兴趣的领域,并建立跨学科的联系. Minor areas at RIC complement and reinforce all major areas of study. By declaring a minor, you can set yourself apart as a candidate for job, internship and volunteer opportunities.

Minor in Music

Minor in Jazz Studies

Minor in Educational Studies

Rhode Island College entrance

Contact Us

Department of Music, Theatre and Dance


  • phone401-456-9883
  • placeNazarian Center for the Performing Arts